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Merits of GANA FILL
1. Quicker dissolution time under one hour
-If you have no time, You can reconstitute water and shake well for 10 minutes,
-if you use a vortex mixer, dissolution time will be under 60 seconds, shake 60seconds then just use it
2. Cheaper price
3. Larger quantity. GANAFILL V 520mg and GANAFILL X 1560mg VS other PLLA fillers 150mg only
4. Better contouring effect
-because GANAFILL has more PLLA
5. Less volume loss at first injection
-In a few days of Sculptra injection. There will be no augmentation, You will see Initial volume loss, You have to wait for 1-2months until
you see augmentation But GANAFILL has a lower Volume loss
6. Low nodule formation- more water more dilution lower granuloma
Merits of GANAFILL VS other PLLA fillers
1. Quicker procedure time under 1 hour
2. Cheaper price
-Two or three GANAFILL are enough for full face augmentation
3. Faster recovery time of under 2days
-Recovery time of fat implantation is over 1 month
Effect and Various application
-Face augmentation
-Face lifting
-Breast and hip augmentation
-Hand and neck wrinkle improvement
-Scar improvement
-Female and male genital organ
The product is available only for professional users.
Merits of GANA FILL
1. Quicker dissolution time under one hour
-If you have no time, You can reconstitute water and shake well for 10 minutes,
-if you use a vortex mixer, dissolution time will be under 60 seconds, shake 60seconds then just use it
2. Cheaper price
3. Larger quantity. GANAFILL V 520mg and GANAFILL X 1560mg VS other PLLA fillers 150mg only
4. Better contouring effect
-because GANAFILL has more PLLA
5. Less volume loss at first injection
-In a few days of Sculptra injection. There will be no augmentation, You will see Initial volume loss, You have to wait for 1-2months until
you see augmentation But GANAFILL has a lower Volume loss
6. Low nodule formation- more water more dilution lower granuloma
Merits of GANAFILL VS other PLLA fillers
1. Quicker procedure time under 1 hour
2. Cheaper price
-Two or three GANAFILL are enough for full face augmentation
3. Faster recovery time of under 2days
-Recovery time of fat implantation is over 1 month
Effect and Various application
-Face augmentation
-Face lifting
-Breast and hip augmentation
-Hand and neck wrinkle improvement
-Scar improvement
-Female and male genital organ
The product is available only for professional users.